Thursday, July 12, 2007

Goodbye land of 10,000 lakes, hello Dakotas…

We spent two days with Sara’s cousin Alyssa, her husband Dan and three boys – Colin (8) Sean (6) and Owen (2 ½) . It has been said that spending a few days in a house with three boys is the biggest form of birth control; however we were sad to leave and found our two days in the Dwyer household to be the complete opposite. The boys are so much fun and very well behaved despite their endless amount of energy (and volume). The boys called me “Grandpa”, “Dun-Dun” and “Frank” respectively, but I was able to provide ample old-school Transformers toy knowledge and was accepted into the clan during our stay.

Alyssa refreshed our senses with some great home-cooking and showed us around downtown Minneapolis with a picnic along the mighty Mississippi (not so mighty this far North). Apparently it gets quite hot here in the summer, however this week the weather here has been great: cool nights and warm, crystal clear sunny days.

We are off to either North Dakota or South Dakota next… we can’t decide and may make it a game time decision when the road splits. Most of what we want to see is on the west side of both states, but we have to get across them first.


Paul Omps said...

The thought of Garvey being accepted into a clan of toddlers thanks to old school transformers knowledge might be the funniest thing I've ever pictured mentally as you are by far the oldest 28 year old I know!

Anonymous said...

LOL! I have to second Paul's comment...after I am done laughing so much.